Singularity Quick Start
Singularity: building a root file system that runs on any other Linux system where Singularity is installed.
- build:建立一个Singularity容器(container)
- capability:管理容器上的Linux功能
- exec:在容器中执行命令
- help:命令帮助
- inspect:显示容器元数据(metadata)
- instance:管理在背景运行的容器
- keys:管理OpenPGP密钥
- pull:从URI拉下容器
- push:推容器到URI库(library)
URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier, and it’s the official name for those things you see all the time on the Web that begin ‘ http: ‘ or ‘ mailto: ‘
- run:在容器中启动运行脚本
- run-help:容器帮助
- search:搜索库
- shell:在容器中运行Bourne shell
A Bourne shell (sh) is a UNIX shell or command processor that is used for scripting.
- sign:将加密签名附加到容器
- verify:验证容器加密签名
- version:应用版本
下载 pre-built 镜像(images)
:定位 groups, collections, and containers of interest on the Container Library .
1 | $ singularity search alp |
and build
:下载 pre-built images from an external resource like the Container Library or Docker Hub.
1 | $ singularity pull library://sylabsed/linux/alpine |
Docker images are stored in layers, so pull
must also combine those layers into a usable Singularity file. Pulling Docker images reduces reproducibility. 因为layer会变化。
1 | $ singularity build ubuntu.sif library://ubuntu |
Unlike pull
, build
will convert your image to the latest Singularity image format after downloading it.
It is not actually necessary to pull
or build
an image to interact with it.
1 | $ singularity pull library://sylabsed/examples/lolcow |
The shell command allows you to spawn a new shell within your container and interact with it as though it were a small virtual machine.
Once inside of a Singularity container, you are the same user as you are on the host system.
1 | [huangsisi@login01 ~]$ singularity shell lolcow_latest.sif |
also works with the library://
, docker://
, and shub://
URIs. This creates an ephemeral container that disappears when the shell is exited.
1 | $ singularity shell library://sylabsed/examples/lolcow |
Executing Commands
The exec command allows you to execute a custom command within a container by specifying the image file.
- 执行cowsay程序
1 | $ singularity exec lolcow_latest.sif cowsay moo |
直接跟URIs,cached image,创建一个临时的容器执行命令后消失
1 | $ singularity exec library://sylabsed/examples/lolcow cowsay "Hello, Sisi Huang" |
Running a container
- 运行镜像
The runscript can be triggered with the run command, or simply by calling the container as though it were an executable.
1 | $ singularity run lolcow_latest.sif |
1 | $ ./lolcow_latest.sif |
- 直接跟URIs
1 | $ singularity run library://sylabsed/examples/lolcow |
Working with Files
Files on the host are reachable from within the container.
1 | $ echo "Hello, sisi" > $HOME/hostfile.txt |
By default Singularity bind mounts /home/$USER
, /tmp
, and $PWD
into your container at runtime.
指定目录bind mount into your container with the --bind
directory on the host system is bind mounted to the /mnt
directory inside the container.
1 | $ echo "Drink milk (and never eat hamburgers)." > /data/cow_advice.txt |
Pipes and redirects also work with Singularity commands
1 | $ cat /data/cow_advice.txt | singularity exec lolcow_latest.sif cowsay |
Singularity v3.0以 Singularity Image File (SIF)格式生成不可变的镜像,确保可重复性和可验证性。
但是,在测试和调试期间,可能需要可写的镜像格式,安装软件和依赖项,直到确信容器满足需求。对于这些场景,Singularity 还支持sandbox
Sandbox Directory
1 | sudo singularity build --sandbox ubuntu/ library://ubuntu |
1 | FATAL: container creation failed: mount /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/share->/share error: while mounting /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/share: destination /share doesn't exist in container |
Singularity Definition Files
For a reproducible, production-quality container you should build a SIF file using a Singularity definition file. This also makes it easy to add files, environment variables, and install custom software, and still start from your base of choice (e.g., the Container Library).
A definition file has a header and a body.
- The header determines the base container to begin with.
- The body is further divided into sections that do things like install software, setup the environment, and copy files into the container from the host system.
1 | BootStrap: library |
To build a container from this definition file (assuming it is a file named lolcow.def), you would call build like so:
1 | $ sudo singularity build lolcow.sif lolcow.def |
In this example, the header tells Singularity to use a base Ubuntu 16.04 image from the Container Library.
:在创建容器时,base OS 安装后即在容器内执行,安装应用。%environment
非root用户创建镜像: Remote Builder
1 | $ singularity remote login |
1 | singularity build --remote lolcow.sif lolcow.def |
成功了!可以在 remote builder 里面 My Builds 找到它。
1 | $ singularity pull library://sisih/remote-builds/rb-6018ef829a193de1c6105db1:latest |
Add signature
1 | $ singularity key newpair |
1 | Failed to push newly created key to keystore: key server did not accept PGP key: entity *****: primary identity does not contain email '我的邮箱' (400 Bad Request) |
查看 key list 然后 sign
1 | $ singularity key list |
然后再 push,但是不能 push 到原来远程build的临时容器当中,可以这样push到一个新的容器中(非remote-built,我default拼写错误请忽视呜呜)
1 | $ singularity push rb-6018ef829a193de1c6105db1_latest.sif library://sisih/defualt/test:0.0.0 |
它在这里,大家应该都能访问看到 Sylabs Cloud
1 | $ singularity pull --arch amd64 library://sisih/defualt/test:0.0.0 |
1 | $ singularity verify test_0.0.0.sif |
1 | $ singularity cache list --verbose |
1 | $ singularity cache clean |