Singularity Quick Start
Singularity: building a root file system that runs on any other Linux system where Singularity is installed.
- build:建立一个Singularity容器(container)
- capability:管理容器上的Linux功能
- exec:在容器中执行命令
- help:命令帮助
- inspect:显示容器元数据(metadata)
- instance:管理在背景运行的容器
- keys:管理OpenPGP密钥
- pull:从URI拉下容器
- push:推容器到URI库(library)
URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier, and it’s the official name for those things you see all the time on the Web that begin ‘ http: ‘ or ‘ mailto: ‘
- run:在容器中启动运行脚本
- run-help:容器帮助
- search:搜索库
- shell:在容器中运行Bourne shell
A Bourne shell (sh) is a UNIX shell or command processor that is used for scripting.
- sign:将加密签名附加到容器
- verify:验证容器加密签名
- version:应用版本